Fatal Accident at Greenhill.
On Wednesday last, a boy about eight years of age, named Charles, son of, and residing with, his father, Michael Sloan, at Cityside Oil Works, in the parish of Shotts, met with his death in the following manner. The deceased was employed by his father firing stoves at the brick-works, and having got on the top of the clay mill, his head was caught between the crank of the pump rods and the wall, and he was instantaneously deprived of life.
Hamilton Advertiser, 8th May 1869
SHOTTS. Medical.— The workmen connected with Cityside Colliery and Oil Work, belonging to Messrs Hamilton. M'Culloch & Co., have elected Dr Jones, Newarthill, to their medical attendant.
Hamilton Advertiser, 21st May 1870
On Friday last, Alexander Lochhead, clerk, residing at Fernieshaw, got himself severely burned under the following circumstances:- while superintending the filling of a tank with crude oil at City-Side Oil Works. Mr Lochhead put a lighted lamp inside to ascertain if it were nearly full, when gas from the oil exploded, throwing him to the ground, and burning him severely on the hands and face.
Hamilton Advertiser, 18th November 1871
TO CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS- MACDONALD,EADIE & WADDELL have OPENED CITYSIDE BRICK, PIPE and FIRECLAY WORKS, near Bellside and are prepared to Supply Composition Bricks and all kinds of Fireclay Goods on the most Reasonable Terms. CITYSIDE WORKS, by HOLYTOWN.
Scotsman, 8th June 1878
Sale of Colliery, Oil Work and Brick Work Plant at Cityside, near Omoa Station, C.R. On Tuesday 17th April at 11 o'clock. THE PLANT consists of Engines, Boilers, Permanent and Pit Rails, Cart and Hutch. Weighing Machines, large quantity of Malleable and Cast Scrap, number of Vitrified Pipe. Also about 400 Tons Calcinated Ironstone, Catalogue in perpetration. Shirlaw Allan & Co. auctioneers.
Lanarkshire Upper Ward Examiner, 7th April 1883