Scottish shale Scottish shale

McNaughton & Aitken

Company number:
Not known
Share capital:
1870 or earlier
1875 or later
Registered office:

Not known

Little is known of the proprietors of the Stonehouse Oil Works; Mr. McNaughton is described in a newspaper account (below) as a railway contractor.


  • Stonehouse Oil Works

  • Newspaper references
    • FIRE - On Sunday night of Monday morning, a wooden house, used as a store at the Stonehouse Shale Oil Works, situated at Slayholm, and belonging to Mr. M'Naughton, railway contractor, was destroyed by fire. The origin of the fire is unknown, but is supposed to have been caused by some cinders falling from the fire-place to the floor. There was a considerable quantity of workman's tools in the place, which were burned. The damage is estimated from £30 to £40.

      Hamilton Advertiser, 21st March 1868