Scottish shale Scottish shale

John Wield (firm)

Company number:
Not known
Share capital:
About 1866
Business sequestered in February, 1868
Registered office:

Not known

Oil works:

A local chemist, an agent for patent medicines and homeopathic remedies, who achieved national notoriety following construction of a paraffin refinery on a sensitive site on the Common Haugh in the centre of Hawick. Follow public outcry over the noxious smells and effluents produced by refining process, the business failed in 1868.

  • Newspaper references
    • SEQUESTRATION of JOHN WIELD, Chemist, Druggist, and Oil Refiner in Hawick. As Trustee on the sequestrated estate of John Wield, above designed, I hereby call a general meeting of his Creditors to be held in the Town-Clerk's Office, Hawick, on Friday the 22d day of October next, at 12 o'clock upon, to consider an application to be made by me for my discharge as Trustee foresaid. ADAM LAIDLAW, Jr. Trustee.

      Edinburgh Gazette, 28th September, 1869


      THE Estates of JOHN WIELD, Chemist, Druggist, and Oil Refiner in Hawick, were sequestrated on the 20th day of February 1868, by the Sheriff of Roxburgh shire. The first deliverance is dated the 20th February 1868. The meeting to elect the Trustee and Commissioners is to be held within the Tower Hotel, Hawick, on Friday the 28th day of February 1868, at 12 o'clock. A composition may be offered at this meeting; and to entitle Creditors to the first dividend, their oaths and grounds of debt must be lodged on or before the 20th day of June 1868. A Warrant of Protection against Arrest or Imprisonment for Civil Debt, until the meeting of the Creditors for the election of a Trustee, has been granted to the Bankrupt. All future Advertisements relating to this sequestration will be published in the Edinburgh Gazette alone.
      THOMAS PORDOM, Solicitor, Hawick, Agent.

      Edinburgh Gazette, 21st February, 1868