Scottish shale Scottish shale

John Vallance & Co.

Company number:
Not known
Share capital:
1866 or earlier
1884 or later
Registered office:

Not known

A small firm seemingly involved in the refining of mineral oils. The company is listed under "Paraffin and mineral oil manufacturers and refiners" in Broxburn within the 1867 Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory as; "Vallance, John & Co. (refiners) Almondfield Chemical Works."

Valuation role for 1875 lists the proprietor of the Paraffin-oil refinery at Ammondfield (sic), as John Vallance, 6 Rockville Place, Edinburgh. The Edinburgh Post Office directory lists John Vallance as a carver and guilder, 24 West Preston St, with a home address of 6 Rockville Place.


  • John Vallance