Scottish shale Scottish shale

Inverkeithing Oilwork Co.

Company number:
Not known
Share capital:
9th January 1869
Registered office:

Operations based in Keith Place, Inverkeithing, Fife

Oil Merchants and Oil Refiners, based at Inverkeithing Oil Works.


  • Andrew Munro, Junior

  • Newspaper references
    • THE Estates of THE INVERKEITHING OILWORK COMPANY, carrying on business as Oil Merchants and Oil Refiners at Inverkeithing, as a Company, and of Andrew Munro, Junior, Oil Merchant and Oil Refiner there, the sole Partner of that Company, as such Partner, and as an Individual, were sequestrated on the 9th day of January 1869, by the Sheriff-Substitute of the County of Fife. The first deliverance is dated- the 9th day of January 1869. The meeting to elect the Trustee and Commissioners is to be held at 12 o'clock noon, on Thursday the 21st day of January 1869, within the Town-Clerk's Office, Inverkeithing. A composition may be offered at this meeting; and to entitle Creditors to the first dividend, their oaths and grounds of debt must be lodged on or before the 9th day of May 1869. The Sheriff granted Interim Protection against Imprisonment for Debt. All future Advertisements relating to this sequestration will be published in the Edinburgh Gazette alone. WM. FRASER, Agent, Inverkeithing. - Inverkeithing, January 11, 1869.

      Edinburgh Gazette, 12th January 1869