Scottish shale Scottish shale

Henry Tod (firm)

Company number:
Not known
Share capital:
1866 or earlier
1872 or later
Registered office:

Not known

Oil works:

A Glasgow-based coalmaster with colliery interests in the Airdrie area, and was proprietor of Bellsdyke crude oil works.

  • Newspaper references
    • NOTICE.- . The Copartnery carried on by the Subscribers, Henry Tod, Coalmaster, Glasgow, and John Colquhoun, Coalmaster, Airdrle,under the Firm of the AIRDRIEHILL COAL COMPANY, has been This Day DISSOLVED by mutual. consent. The Subscriber, HENRY TOD, is authorized to receive all the Debts due to, and will pay the Debts due by the Firm.

      HENRY TOD.

      Glasgow Herald, 14th August 1861


      SEQUESTRATION of MANUEL, WEIR, & COMPANY, Oil Merchants, 23, Saint Enoch Square, Glasgow, and of Robert Manuel and Rankin Weir , Oil Merchants aforesaid, the Individual Partners of that Company, as such Partners, and as Individuals. JOHN ROBERT SWAN, Chartered Accountant, of Glasgow, has been elected Trustee on the estates and Peter Stewart, Merchant, 9, Marlow Street, Glasgow Henry Tod, Crude Oil Manufacturer, Bellsdyke Works Airdrie, and Charles Penney, Manufacturing Chemist North Woodside Road, Glasgow, have been elected Commissioners. The examination of the Bankrupts will take place in Sheriff Galbraith's Chambers, County Buildings, Wilson Street, Glasgow, on Thursday the 7th day of January 1869, at one o'clock afternoon. The Creditors will meet in the Trustee's Chambers, No. 141, West George Street, Glasgow, on Monday the 18th day of January 1869, at one o'clock afternoon. J. R. SWAN, C.A., Trustee. Glasgow, December 28, 1869.

      Edinburgh Gazette, 29th December 1869