Scottish shale Scottish shale

Dalserf Coal, Coke & Oil Co. Ltd.

Company number:
Registered in Scotland No.253
Share capital:
19th September 1866
17th November 1868
Registered office:

15 St Enoch Square, Glasgow (from 20th September 1866)
88 Great Clyde Street, Glasgow (from 6th May 1867)

Oil works:

The aims of company were to acquire the mineral fields worked by the Dalserf Coal Company extending upwards of 400 acres together with the works and plant, retorts and other buildings, for manufacturing iron, coke and oil and to carry out the manufacturing of these.. On wind-up of the company in 1868, a new firm, the Dalserf Coal, Coke & Oil Co. appears to have been established as a co-partnership to progress the business.

Valuation rolls for 1866 record the proprietor of Swinehill oil works as David Crawford Miller, presumably related to James and George Miller, partners in the Dalserf Coal, Coke & Oil Co.


  • James Falshaw - Edinburgh
  • John Latham - Glasgow
  • William Orr - Glasgow
  • Lewis Potter - Glasgow
  • James Wingate - Glasgow

  • Newspaper references
    • DALSERF COAL, COKE, AND OIL COMPANY (LIMITED). NOTICE is Hereby Given that at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the said Dalserf Coal, Coke, and Oil Company (Limited), registered under " The Companies Act, 1862," held on the 10th day of November 1868, the following Resolution (inter alia) was unanimously passed, viz.:— " That, in respect of the circumstances referred in the Minutes of last meeting which had just been read, and more especially of the loss sustained to an extent beyond one-half of the capital of the Company, and of the Requisition for a voluntary winding up which had been subscribed by Shareholders to the extent of one-half of the said capital, it be, as it is hereby resolved that the Affairs of the Company be wound up voluntarily, in terms of the provisions contained in ' The Companies Act, 1862,' and that the Company be, as the same is, hereby Dissolved, with a view to such winding up accordingly." JOHN GRAY, Secretary of the said Dalserf Coal, Coke, and Oil Coy. (Limited), 88, Great Clyde Street,Glasgow, November 13, 1868.

      Edinburgh Gazette, 17th November 1868


      THE Subscribers, William Orr, Thomas Duncan, and Alexander Smith, retired from, and ceased on the date hereof to be Partners of the Company carrying on business under the Firm of THE DALSERF COAL, COKE, AND OIL COMPANY, of which they and the other Subscribers, James Miller, George Miller, and David Smith Rodger, were the sole Partners. The business of the Company will be continued by the said James Miller, George Miller, and David Smith Rodger, in Copartnership, under the same Firm; and they are authorised to uplift, receive, and discharge all the debts due to, and will pay all claims against the Company from which the Partners above-named have retired.

      Edinburgh Gazette, March 1st 1870

  • Associated references
    • Registration Records transcribed from dissolved company records held by the National Archives of Scotland.