Scottish shale Scottish shale

Cairns & Co.

Company number:
Not known
Share capital:
Operations ceased c.1885
Registered office:


Oil works:

The firm of Cairns & Co. "oil refiners and manufacturers" operated the St Rollox Oil Works within the city of Glasgow during the 1880's. It remains uncertain whether this firm is related to "Cairns and Company" listed by Redwood as operating an oil works between 1860 and 1865.


  • Walter Cairns
  • Matthew Wyllie

  • Newspaper references
    • The estates of Cairns and Company, Oil Refiners and Manufacturers, Saint Rollox Oil Works, North Oswald-street, Glasgow, and Walter Cairns and Matthew Wyllie, the Individual Partners thereof, as such Partners, and as Individuals, were sequestrated on the 7th. of December, 1885, by the Sheriff of Lanarkshire. The first deliverance is dated the 7th of December,1885.The meeting to elect the Trustee and Commissioners is to be held at twelve o'clock, noon, on Friday, the 18th of December, 1885, within the Faculty-hall, Saint George's-place, Glasgow.

      Edinburgh Gazette 11th December 1885