Scottish shale Scottish shale

Blackston Mineral Oil Co.

Company number:
Not known
Share capital:
Not known
c.1895 upon the formation of William Black & Sons Ltd.
Registered office:


A company described in the 1878 Glasgow Post Office directory as "Coal and ironstone masters, and coal & shale oil proprietors, of Blackston, Linwood". The company shared partners with firms of William Black & Sons, and the Stanrigg Oil Co., and combined with them in 1895 to form William Black & Co.Ltd.


  • Newspaper references
    • SCOTTISH JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES – Five new joint-stock companies were registered in Scotland during this week, with an aggregate capital of £311,400, making a total of 213 companies registered since the beginning of the year, with a total capital of £9,303,293. The new companies are: - William Black & Sons, Limited, to acquire the collieries carried on by William Black & Sons, coalmasters, Airdrie, Slamannan, and elsewhere, the business of the Stanrigg Oil Company, the collieries, mines and other works carried on by the Blackston Mineral Company, Paisley, and the colliery known as Drongan Castle Colliery, carried on by George Cameron Black. Capital, £130,000, divided into 4000 preference shares of £10 each and 9000 ordinary shares of £10.

      Aberdeen Journal, Saturday 7th November 1895

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