Scottish shale Scottish shale

Mercantile Chambers Co. Ltd.

Company number:
Company registered in Scotland, No. 003468
Share capital:
Liquidated 2005

A company established in 1897 to "purchase ground in Bothwell Street, Glasgow, and to construct or alter buildings". The company constructed the impressive red sandstone offices at No. 53 Bothwell St.

At the general meeting of Scottish Oils Ltd held in July 1921, it was reported:

Great difficulty was experienced in providing satisfactory office accommodation for the staff in Glasgow. At the present time the work is carried on in no less than four separate offices. In order to secure better control and greater efficiency, the Company aquired the share capital of the Mercantile Chamber Company (Limited). which owns large premises at 53 Bothwell St.. and it is hoped to have the whole commercial and clerical staff in Glasgow accommodated in the new premises within a few months.

The company was subsequently re-named:

  • BP Gas Marketing Limited and Alliance Gas Limited
  • Gas Marketing Services Ltd
  • Related file records